BBL Face Treatment – The Forever Young Secret in 2023

BBL Face Treatment

BBL Face Treatment

BBL face treatment is also known as BroadBand Light (BBL) laser treatment technology. It helps to remove small veins, photo-aging, and other blemishes from the face.

Dermatologists use this Broad Band Light (BBL) face treatment technology to treat a wide range of benign skin conditions, including facial skin imperfections, signs of photo aging, unsightly small veins, and other blemishes.

The process known as photo rejuvenation provides a safe, non-invasive solution that can treat your specific condition and skin type, providing superior cosmetic results and exceptional satisfaction.

BBL Face Meaning

Photorejuvenation using BBL face treatment is a non-invasive laser treatment that uses high-intensity pulses of Light (IPL) – not a laser – to treat damaged skin without disturbing the skin’s surface, resulting in no downtime recovery. Multiple facial issues can be treated safely and effectively simultaneously using the BroadBand Light (BBL).

When BBL face treatment reaches the collagen beneath the skin’s surface, the Light transforms into heat energy. The skin will be encouraged to function more effectively, improving the color, texture, and tone of the facial skin.

BBL Face Treatment

BroadBand Light, also known as photorejuvenation or intense pulsed Light (IPL), is another name for BBL. When people say they are getting a photo facial, they refer to a BBL face treatment.

Additionally, a BBL treatment is distinct from a laser treatment. While lasers treat the affected area with a single wavelength, BBL offers a wider range of treatment options because it uses multiple wavelengths.

The fundamental idea behind BroadBand Light treatments is that certain damage to the skin can be used to improve its appearance. As we age, our normal skin health experiences many adverse effects, e.g., poor diet, exposure to the sun, smoking, pollution, and the simple fact that gravity exists can all contribute to dry, wrinkled, unevenly toned, and rough skin.

When a BBL or IPL machine applies controlled amounts of heat to the targeted skin area of the face causing minor damage, the body gets a signal to produce more collagen. It goes into overdrive to repair that area. The heat absorbed by the skin cells stimulates the production of collagen.

The damaged skin is gone, and the skin looks smoother, firmer, and more rejuvenated without the problems that lasers can sometimes cause. After the treatment, you can continue with your daily activities while your skin does the rejuvenation work for you.

Nearly any part of the body can be treated with BBL, including the hands, chest, and face, all the common places where aging can be seen.

  • Broken capillaries or Capillary scars
  • Rosacea 
  • Uneven skin texture, fine lines 
  • Acne 
  • Brown Pigment or Irregular Pigmentation 
  • Redness caused by broken capillaries 
  • Mottled Pigmentation 
  • Photorejuvenation – keeping the skin in good condition 
  • Loss of firmness and elasticity 
  • Sun damage 
  • Discolourations, hyperpigmentations 
  • Removal of age spots 
  • Freckles 
  • Telangiectasia (Spider veins)

BBL Face Procedure

During the BBL face treatment, your eyes will be shielded with dark glasses to save them from the bright Light, and a cold gel will be applied to the skin area. 

Light pulses are applied to your targeted skin using the BBL handpiece’s smooth glass surface.

You may experience a slight sting, similar to when a small rubber band snaps. Most of the time, treatment is given in a series of 4 to 6 sessions at every three weeks interval. It takes twenty and forty minutes for each treatment.

The BBL Light energy will slightly heat the upper skin layers. Skin cells will be prompted to produce new collagen due to the heat absorbed by the treatment area. 

This procedure will bring back the skin’s natural beauty by enhancing its even tone and making it smooth, glowing, and rejuvenated. 

The photothermal energy also eliminates the delicate blood vessels that cause redness and reduce the excess melanin that causes pigmentation and discolorations. This light energy procedure gives the skin its youthful appearance by stimulating skin cell genes.

BBL Face Treatment Cost

A BroadBand light treatment, also known as a photo facial, uses intense pulsed Light (IPL) therapy to treat various skin issues.

With the first-ever full-body rejuvenation treatment, you can effectively remove sun damage and improve your skin’s youthfulness if you want the best skin possible. 

BBL HERO costs slightly more than standard BBL. The majority of providers strive to offer treatments at prices that are competitive, even for the most cutting-edge technology like BBL HERO, because everyone deserves healthy skin.

Regardless of financial situation, almost all patients can afford to invest in themselves and their confidence through the financing options many dermatologists offer. 

The average cost of BroadBand Light therapy worldwide range from $250-$2500, with an average cost of $650-$950 on the body and $450 on the face. However, this final cost depends upon the exact condition of your skin, the number of treatments needed to achieve your goals and the number of areas being treated. 

BBL Face Treatment Average Price List

BBL for skin rejuvenation1 Treatment Cost3 Treatments Cost
Face + Neck$650$1800
Face + Neck and Decolette$850$2400
Backs of hands or upper arms$250$600

BBL Face Treatment Before and After

You may experience some temporary redness and mild swelling right after a treatment. Additionally, they may appear darker before the brown spots lighten and fade. A mild warm tingling sensation that can last up to an hour can be alleviated with the help of a cool pack.

You should take proper care in the first few days after the treatment. Doctors recommend avoiding scrubbing or picking at the skin during treatment and applying an SPF 30 daily.

BBL Face Treatment Before and After
BBL Face Treatment Before and After
BBL Face Treatment Before and After 2
Image Source: BBL Face Treatment Before and After (Dermatology Specialist)

BBL Face Benefits

Various skin conditions can be treated with the help of a BroadBand Light treatment, including the treatment of acne, evening out of skin tone, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, removing hair, treating age spots or freckles, firming the skin, and improving the elasticity of the skin.

The treatment achieves these dramatic results without requiring surgery, incisions, or recovery time. You can get a photo facial in a clinic in an hour because BBl is not a surgical procedure.

BBL Face – FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is BBL Face

Photorejuvenation treatment using BBL is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-intensity pulses of Light—not a laser—to treat the damaged skin without disturbing the skin surface, resulting in no “downtime.” The recovery takes significantly less time.

Broad Band Light (BBL) therapy treats multiple facial issues simultaneously effectively and safely. When it reaches the collagen beneath the skin’s surface, the Light transforms into heat energy and damages cells. The skin will be encouraged to function more effectively to repair the damage, improving health, color, texture, and skin tone.

1. BBL photo rejuvenation is a unique and highly effective method for rejuvenating the skin on your face, neck, decollete, hands, and other body parts. It is more sensitive than laser dermabrasion and deep chemical peeling strategy for recovering and regenerating our skin utilizing Light.

2. The FDA has approved BBL, an innovative technology that sets new standards for treating skin conditions due to an active lifestyle, excessive sun exposure, and aging. BBL reverses the signs of aging on the skin.

3. In the case of discolorations, age spots, sun spots, small blood vessels on the face, and numerous other conditions, the BBL energy enables the specialist to carry out the treatment with high precision. The treatment is adapted to the desired skin type and outcomes.

4. The treatment of BBL leaves the skin smoother, more beautiful, and more youthful. According to clinical studies, BBL treatment stimulates the genes in skin cells that are responsible for the youthful appearance of the skin and ensure skin photo rejuvenation.

5. The only procedure that has been shown to alter the expression of genes associated with aging, longevity, and extended lifespan is BBL.

How much is a BBL Face Treatment?

The average cost of BroadBand Light therapy worldwide range from $250-$2500, with an average cost of $650-$950 on the body and $450 on the face. However, this final cost depends upon the exact condition of your skin, the number of treatments needed to achieve your goals and the number of areas being treated.

The average pricing of BBL 1 treatment skin rejuvenation cost is as follows:
Face – $450
Face + Neck – $650
Face + Neck and Decolette – $850
Cheeks – $200
Chest – $400
Hands – $200
Backs of hands or upper arms – $250
Back – $950

What will the skin look like after the BBL Face treatment?

There may be some slight redness after the BBL face treatment, but it will disappear after a few hours. In the case of some changes in pigmentation, the treatment area may initially be darker before becoming brighter and peeling later.

The areas of skin that got treated will be smoother. Discolorations, sun spots, and uneven pigmentation will fade, making pores and fine lines less noticeable. The results depend on the indication, treatment area, and the number of treatments.

Note: This website’s content is prepared after thorough research on the subject matter and merely for informational purposes only. It does not constitute any medical advice. Before beginning any treatment program, always consult your doctor.